Callidus uses its in-house expertise to work in partnership with all stakeholders to drive value for money from any contract.
Risk Management
Callidus has experience of working with a wide range of clients, across several complex portfolios from health, education, infrastructure, and commercial real estate environments.
Key elements of our risk management service include:
- Development of strategic and operational risk registers
- Risk management strategies to control key strategic risks
- Benchmarking performance against industry good practice
- Ongoing performance monitoring and assessment of risk control activities
Asset validation
We conduct asset validation activities to ensure critical assets are being managed and maintained in an effective manner. These validation activities can be carried out on behalf of either the client or FM service providers.
Key elements of this service include:
- Condition surveys of critical mechanical, electrical and structural assets
- Assessment of inspection and maintenance regimes to ensure they are suitable and sufficient
- Review of As-Built information to ensure it is reflective of existing conditions and location of assets
- Identification of any deficiencies in statutory compliance in relation to maintenance and inspection of critical assets.
CAFM validation
Complementing our asset validation service, Callidus has the capability to conduct more detailed diagnostic work with the suitability of arrangements and provisions for the ongoing reactive and planned maintenance of the asset. This would generally involve a detailed review of FM provider management arrangements to include:
- Review of existing asset information
- Assessment of maintenance plans to ensure they are developed to deliver maintenance and inspection activities in line with:
- Legislation
- Contractual provisions
- Industry guidance and codes of practice
- British standards
- Review of third-party supply chain competence to carry our maintenance activities
Defect management
Callidus has extensive experience of working with clients on ensuring effective close-out of defects, thereby allowing clients to manage their properties with more meaningful and reliable data.
Key elements of the service include:
- Witness testing
- Commissioning validation
- Review of As-Built information
- Defect close-out (main contractor and supply chain)
- Condition surveys and reports
Lifecycle assurance and validation
Our lifecycle assurance and validation service allows clients to:
- Assess the current state of their asset
- Review the lifecycle expectation against existing assumptions
- Identify areas of deficiency in FM service provision
- Identify areas of health and safety risk
We work with clients to examine and inspect assets with lifecycle implications. Our service comprises of a combination of desktop review, performance benchmarking and physical asset condition surveys.
Contract and compliance assurance
Callidus has over 11 years’ experience in providing contract and compliance assurance services in the PFI/PPP sector. Working with over £4bn worth of PFI/PPP asset across health, education and infrastructure sectors.
Commissioned by investors to assess how contract and compliance risk is being managed by all parties
Focus on ensuring investment and reputation is being effectively managed by competent parties discharging their responsibilities effectively.
Commissioned by SPV management to ensure that contractual duty holders are fulfilling their contractual and statutory obligations.
Commissioned by client/tenant organisation to provide evidence that SPV Asset Managers and FM service providers are providing services as required by the contract and/or legislation.
Independent monitoring and reporting commissioned by FM service providers to assess their own performance against contractual and statutory obligations.
Our services can be delivered in a number of ways including:
- Contract risk reviews
- FM performance audits
- H&S management reviews
- Strategic desktop diagnostics
- Asset and maintenance validation
- Asset condition surveys
Contact the team to find out more about the services Callidus can offer.